Tuesday, May 20, 2008


oh em gee. can't believe i haven't touched this in over a month. lol. well hello to anyone who still reads this.

a lot has been going on lately, mostly planning of things. i'm actually going on vacation to visit my sis in san diego and my other sis in boston. so i'm excited for that. i'll be traveling with my tater tots so it will definitely be interesting. i'm leaving on june 25 and will be back towards the end of july. i can't wait.

this sucks. i know i made this new layout to motivate me to update more but obviously it didn't work. lol. i'm really behind in the makeup-bloggin world but it's okay. :)

seriously, MAC wants to take over my bank account. look at the yummy stuff in upcoming collections:

images courtesy of specktra.net

*drool* damn. yall know i'm all about the cute ass red brush set lol.

p.s. Neo Sci-Fi is now available on maccosmetics.com. + Free Shipping = Happy Shopping! lol.